
Showing posts with the label HealthAnandTips

ALERT 1/4 tsp of this balances blood sugar for 65 % LESS RISK OF SEVERE COVID-19

 Steady Blood Sugar the Easy Way! Who doesn’t want to sail through spring feeling energetic, calm and clearheaded? That’s what balancing blood sugar can do! And doing so can be as easy as flushing out the environmental toxins that lead to blood-sugar spikes. What’s more, a study in The Lancet reveals that balancing blood sugar cuts COVID complications by 65%! 1. Paint by Numbers - Great news from University of Utah scientists: Taking 20 minutes daily to unwind with your favorite calming activity boosts your body’s toxin release in 48 hours.  Make it a habit, and you’ll heighten blood-sugar control by 45% in a month! That’s because relaxation activates the parasympathetic nervous system, which ups the liver’s production of detoxification enzymes and helps the pancreas release sugar-controlling insulin. 2. Jump like a Kid - Permission to act like a kid again!  Bouncing on a mini trampoline or a rebounder is the best way to flush your lymphatic system of toxins, says Ja...

‘Menopot’ disappears - No more meno-bothers!

 No More Meno-Bothers! A few tweaks to your daily routine can erase the most vexing symptoms of menopause, making weight gain, hot flashes and aches a thing of the past. 1. TO RELIEVE JOINT PAIN Set a Timer for 4½ minutes. It’s a symptom that flies under the radar, but 77% of women have joint pain with menopause.  “Estrogen eases inflammation, and when menopause causes levels of the hormone to drop, inflammation and pain can increase,” says ob-gyn Sheri Puffer, M.D., with Texas Health Arlington Memorial. The Fix:  Walk for 41⁄2 minutes twice a day.  Northwestern University scientists say bursts of activity are enough to signal the body to lessen the inflammatory response and lubricate joints. 2. TO MELT A MENOPOT Boost your ‘good guys’ After menopause, 70% of us have trouble keeping our weight in check.  Luckily, boosting your “good bacteria” helps reverse middle- age spread.   “Our gut has hundreds of species of microorganisms, and body weight can be relat...

Depression…lifts! - The mood-boosting power of handcrafts

 The Mood-Boosting Power of Handcrafts “Hand-based hobbies release dopamine in the brain, which heightens happiness” —Alton Barron, M.D. “When you use your hands meaningfully—by sewing, knitting or sculpting—you stimulate 60% of the neurons in the largest part of your brain, which releases dopamine, a hormone that helps you feel instantly calm and happy,” says Alton Barron, M.D., co-author of  The Creative Cure: How Finding and Freeing Your Inner Artist Can Heal Your Life . Plus, engaging these neurons lowers levels of cortisol to tamp down anxiety. In fact, British researchers collected data from 3,500 knitters, including how often they knitted and any health conditions they had.  Their findings: 81% of those with depression diagnoses reported that knitting boosted their happiness— significantly higher results than antidepressants! While creative projects like needlepoint and crocheting actively engage your hands for a boost in joy, Dr. Barron says other meaningful tasks...

Outsmart the #1 tiredness trigger

Outsmart the #1 Tiredness Trigger  Steadying blood sugar doesn’t just help control (and even prevent) type 2 diabetes.  Yale scientists say it also boosts energy by 80%!  Happily, stamina-sapping blood-sugar swings are almost 100% preventable, and you can reverse them in just 7 days.  Here’s how… 1. Daydream About Violets It’s the perfect time of year to start thinking about your garden and choosing the seeds and plants you’d love to add.  And spending 20 minutes daily daydreaming about that summer bounty and browsing through seed catalogues or online gardening sites can heighten your blood-sugar control by 33%, say researchers at Logan University in Missouri.  Explains endocrinologist Brian Walker, M.D., happy thoughts—whatever they may be—tamp down the production of blood sugar–disrupting stress hormones. 2. Ditch The Dishes Taking an hour each night to relax instead  of hurriedly trying to finish every to-do  before bed could enhance blood...

De-stressing Cocoa Butter Tightens Skin

 De-stressing Cocoa Butter Tightens Skin Cocoa butter’s sweet aroma decreases levels of stress hormones to leave you feeling peaceful in seconds. And compounds in the butter promote collagen production to firm saggy skin, while its fatty acids hydrate and plump it for an instantly tauter appearance. Find Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula Firming Butter Skin Lotion, at the Lowest Price, here. This is a series of 5 Tips on  Reducing Stress and Making you Beautiful Click Here to Read them All Credits , Woman’s World USA Magazine.

Happiness-helping Hot Cocoa Soothes Rashes

  Happiness-helping Hot Cocoa Soothes Rashes Sipping hot cocoa ups the production of endorphins to boost mood. Similar benefits can come from simply soaking in the drink’s ingredients. Plus, anti-inflammatory powdered milk calms red, irritated skin and antioxidant- rich cocoa powder repairs skin’s barrier to ward off future rashes. TRY IT -  Add 1 cup of powdered milk and 1⁄4 cup of unsweetened cocoa powder into warm bathwater. Soak for 20 minutes.  This is a series of 5 Tips on  Reducing Stress and Making you Beautiful Click Here to Read them All   Credits , Woman’s World USA Magazine.

Relaxing Chai Tea Softens Rough Patches

 Relaxing Chai Tea Softens Rough Patches Inhaling chai tea’s aromatic spices (like cinnamon and clove) lowers blood pressure for an instant calming effect. And mixed in a scrub, the dried tea leaves and the spices’ compounds remove dead cells for baby-soft skin. Find The Best Chai Spiced Latte, at the Lowest Price, here. This is a series of 5 Tips on  Reducing Stress and Making you Beautiful Click Here to Read them All   Credits , Woman’s World USA Magazine.

Sleep-enhancing weighted eye mask de-puffs skin

  Sleep-enhancing weighted eye mask de-puffs skin Weighted eye masks put gentle pressure on the nerves behind eyes, sending calming messages to your brain that help you fall asleep two times faster! Plus, the pressure helps push out excess fluids that can accumulate underneath eyes to nix puffy bags. Find The Best Weighted Comfort Eye Masks, at the Lowest Price, here.   This is a series of 5 Tips on  Reducing Stress and Making you Beautiful Click Here to Read them All   Credits , Woman’s World USA Magazine.

Anxiety Decreasing Vanilla Curbs Weight Gain

  Anxiety Decreasing Vanilla Curbs Weight Gain Smelling the cake-like scent triggers the release of serotonin in the brain, promoting feelings of well-being and joy. Even better? The uptick in serotonin also squashes cravings by 50%. Find the Best Vanilla Bean Single Wick Candles, at the Lowest Price, here. This is a series of 5 Tips on  Reducing Stress and Making you Beautiful Click Here to Read them All   Credits, Woman’s World USA Magazine.

Tips on Reducing Stress and Making you Beautiful

Tips on Reducing Stress and Making you Beautiful The Comfort Secret to Beautiful You. It’s easy to fend off the winter blues in seconds with simple strategies, like smelling a sweet scented candle, wearing a weighted eye mask and taking a soothing bath. They not only lift your spirits, they leave you looking radiant! Here’s how Tip 1. Anxiety Decreasing Vanilla Curbs Weight Gain Smelling the cake-like scent triggers the release of serotonin in the brain, promoting feelings of well-being and joy. Even better? The uptick in serotonin also squashes cravings by 50%. Find the Best Vanilla Bean Single Wick Candles, at the Lowest Price, here.     Tip 2 - Sleep-enhancing weighted eye mask de-puffs skin Weighted eye masks put gentle pressure on the nerves behind eyes, sending calming messages to your brain that help you fall asleep two times faster! Plus, the pressure helps push out excess fluids that can accumulate underneath eyes to nix puffy bags. Find The Best...

Boost your Virus defence by 1500% - Protect your heart + ward off COVID - 5 Immunity Boosting Tips

  What if there was something that dramatically improved heart health, decreased risk of COVID complications and was free? Experts say there is! Nitric oxide, a gas produced in sinuses. “Nitric oxide combats viral infection, plus, it helps keep blood vessels healthy,” notes Michael Roizen, M.D., chief wellness officer at the Cleveland Clinic. Boosting levels is easy! Just… Buzz like a Bee Inhaling through your nose drives viral-fighting nitric oxide (NO) into your lungs. Ron Sinha, M.D., an internal medicine specialist in Palo Alto, California, recommends “bee breathing” for 5 minutes every day. “The technique’s humming vibrations activate nitric oxide production,” he explains. To do: Simply hum while you breathe.  The payoff: Swedish researchers say it boosts NO levels by 1,500%. Toss in Greens Spinach, kale and other dark greens brim with nitrates, which the body converts to NO. Dr. Roizen, author of The What to Eat When Cookbook, advises two to three servings daily.  I...

“A Pantry Staple Cured my Chronic Joint Pain!”

A Pantry Staple  Cured her Chronic Joint Pain Severe joint pain left Sonya Holland facing a lifetime of prescription meds…until she found the amazing remedy right in her own kitchen! “Not again. I can’t take this anymore,” Sonya Holland groaned as she woke to familiar agonizing pain shooting down her arms and legs. The Palm Springs, California, 71-year-old had been battling ever-worsening aches for months. It had gotten so severe, she recently had to stop working as a massage therapist. This morning, she could barely walk to the bathroom. This won’t do, Sonya thought fiercely. I’ve got to take charge of my health. No More Pain Having had enough, Sonya dragged herself to the doctor, who after running tests, diagnosed her with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), an autoimmune disease where the body’s immune system attacks its own tissue. “RA is an incurable illness, but there is medication that can ease the symptoms,” the doctor said.  But when he added that there were dietary and lifest...

How Doctors Speed COVID Recovery - Speedier COVID Recovery - Docs Who Got Sick Share What Worked for Them

How Doctors Speed COVID Recovery While we’re doing all we can to avoid COVID-19, it’s normal to worry about how we’d care for ourselves if we became infected.  That’s why advice from doctors who’ve gotten sick and recovered is invaluable.  Here, their top tips 1. Steam In The A.M. A hot soak first thing followed by Vicks VapoRub helped urgent-care physician Jehanne Julien-Banica, D.O., of New York feel better while she was battling COVID.  “A 15-minute bath calmed the cough that hit when I woke up,” she says.  And applying the rub to her chest eased the burning sensation when she breathed.  Plus, studies show steam reduces the airway inflammation that triggers coughing, while camphor, eucalyptus and menthol in the rub open nasal passages. 2. Sip A Smoothie A body dealing with COVID breaks down muscle for energy to keep its systems running, says Sanjay Dogra, M.D., a pulmonary critical-care specialist in Michigan.  “But getting enough protein build...

Shed Holiday Weight Gain — The Easy Way! - Burn 200% More Fat - Doing This One Hour Earlier

 Shed Holiday Weight Gain — The Easy Way! You had a great time feasting over the holidays, but you’d love to lose a few pounds that sneaked on. Good news! You can burn fat, no exercise required. 1. Pile Up Your Breakfast That big breakfast you enjoyed is a tasty way to boost fat burn!  New research out of Germany found that folks who savored a hearty morning meal followed by a lighter lunch and dinner burned twice as many calories as those who ate their heaviest meal later in the day—even though they consumed the same number of calories. Why? Your metabolism runs in high gear in the morning.  This speeds the body’s ability to use fat for energy, says Michelle Schoffro Cook, Ph.D., DNM, author of 60 Seconds to Slim. 2. Lunch With the Hits Go ahead and add some fun ambience to your midday meal.  Harvard research suggests that tuning in to a favorite music station while you eat lunch automatically speeds your metabolism.  Plus, it helps you eat 9 fewer gr...

Slash Stroke Risk by 73% or More!

 Slash Stroke Risk by 73% or More! If you’ve known someone to suffer a stroke in winter, there’s a reason why it might have happened then: According to Yale University researchers, chilly temperatures can tighten arteries and thicken blood, upping the odds of a clot.  Thankfully, experts say these comforting tricks offer protection all winter long! 1. Sip Hot Water Wake up with a comforting mug of hot water mixed with a tablespoon of fresh lemon juice and honey, and reach for a couple of tangerines throughout the day.  Both provide extra fluids that gently thin blood to ward off clots, says cardiologist Stephen Sinatra, M.D. “Plus, the vitamin C and bioflavonoids in citrus strengthen and heal your brain’s blood vessels.” No wonder Danish investigators say citrus-lovers are 42% less likely to have a stroke! 2. Cuddle Fido! Showering your furry friends with extra attention does your heart good.  A study in Hypertension found that because pets offer unconditio...

M.D.’s Top Tips for Aging in Reverse - AGE IN REVERSE - MD - Rotating Shoes Keeps You Young

 M.D.’s Top Tips for Aging in Reverse Wouldn’t it be great to celebrate your next birthday feeling thinner, less tired and more focused than ever? You can!  Integrative physician Frank Lipman, M.D. , co-author of The New Rules of Aging Well , shares four powerful—and simple!—steps you can take to feel happy and strong for decades to come. To Listen to Some Parts of this Book,  Click  The New Rules of Aging Well . 1. Switch Up Your Shoes Healthy feet are a must for staying active and pain-free, says Dr. Lipman. And it’s as easy as changing your shoes!  “Feet need to walk in different shoes to remain nimble,” he explains.  That’s because each pair of shoes gives the small muscles in your feet a different “workout.”  “I recommend rotating between at least three pairs of comfortable shoes.”  Also smart: going barefoot at home. “This engages tiny muscles usually constricted by footwear.” 2. Power your shower Borrowing a spa-inspired secret helps rewind...
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