Depression…lifts! - The mood-boosting power of handcrafts
The Mood-Boosting Power of Handcrafts
“Hand-based hobbies release dopamine in the brain, which heightens happiness” —Alton Barron, M.D.
“When you use your hands meaningfully—by sewing, knitting or sculpting—you stimulate 60% of the neurons in the largest part of your brain, which releases dopamine, a hormone that helps you feel instantly calm and happy,” says Alton Barron, M.D., co-author of
The Creative Cure: How Finding and Freeing Your Inner Artist Can Heal Your Life.
Plus, engaging these neurons lowers levels of cortisol to tamp down anxiety.
In fact, British researchers collected data from 3,500 knitters, including how often they knitted and any health conditions they had.
Their findings: 81% of those with depression diagnoses reported that knitting boosted their happiness—
significantly higher results than antidepressants!
While creative projects like needlepoint and crocheting actively engage your hands for a boost in joy, Dr. Barron says other meaningful tasks—like tending to a garden or cooking—have the same effect.
“Find any handbased hobby that brings you pleasure. It can be something that you enjoyed as a child or
reminds you of a loved one.”
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