How Doctors Speed COVID Recovery - Speedier COVID Recovery - Docs Who Got Sick Share What Worked for Them
How Doctors Speed COVID Recovery While we’re doing all we can to avoid COVID-19, it’s normal to worry about how we’d care for ourselves if we became infected. That’s why advice from doctors who’ve gotten sick and recovered is invaluable. Here, their top tips 1. Steam In The A.M. A hot soak first thing followed by Vicks VapoRub helped urgent-care physician Jehanne Julien-Banica, D.O., of New York feel better while she was battling COVID. “A 15-minute bath calmed the cough that hit when I woke up,” she says. And applying the rub to her chest eased the burning sensation when she breathed. Plus, studies show steam reduces the airway inflammation that triggers coughing, while camphor, eucalyptus and menthol in the rub open nasal passages. 2. Sip A Smoothie A body dealing with COVID breaks down muscle for energy to keep its systems running, says Sanjay Dogra, M.D., a pulmonary critical-care specialist in Michigan. “But getting enough protein build...