When you first start the keto diet, it’s important to know if and when you’re in ketosis when you first start eating low-carb. Not only is it a great confidence booster, but testing also lets you know that you’re doing things right, or wrong, and whether you need to make any changes.

An easy test is to sniff for “keto-breath.” After a few days, you might notice a taste that’s somewhat fruity and a bit sour or even metallic. The reason for this? When your body is in ketosis, it creates the ketone bodies: acetone, acetoacetate, and beta hydroxybutyrate.

Acetone in particular is excreted through your urine and breath, which causes “keto-breath.” This change in the smell of your breath and the taste in your mouth usually diminishes after a few weeks.

A more accurate way to tell is by using ketone urine test strips. They’re fairly inexpensive and can instantly check the ketone levels in your urine. You can find them in packs of 100 for under $10 online or at most pharmacies. Try to take the test a few hours after you wake up in the morning, because being dehydrated after a night’s sleep can cause a false positive.

The most accurate test involves a blood ketone meter. This type of test is a bit pricier at around $40 for the meter and up to $5 per test strip. The upside is it’s much more accurate because it tests your blood directly. For nutritional ketosis, your reading should be between 0.5 and 5.0 millimeters.

Long term, it’s not necessary to continuously check on your ketone levels. Within a few weeks, you’ll know if you’re eating right, and it becomes very easy to stay in ketosis.

Source :- 


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